Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lack of Congruence in Small Business Marketing

A common issue we see with small businesses is that their marketing is not congruent. For example, there's one small business I saw recently where the website has one look and feel, businesses cards have a different color scheme, and the brochure had a completely different logo! This mishmash sends an unprofessional message to the clients and customers.

Having congruent marketing throughout all your advertising and marketing pieces is becoming more and more important in the eyes of consumers. Branding is no longer for big corporations. Small businesses now need to brand themselves as well. The consistent message, look and feel, color scheme, logo and other details is very important. The consistent message sticks with people.

We're finding in our businesses, that it's taking more exposures or touches to get our future customers engaged and familiar with us. It's increased because of the Internet. In one day now, people are bombarded with more info and ads in a single day, then they were 20 years ago over a week. Having a congruent, branded marketing messages helps with your exposures and potential customers remembering you.

Does your website, business cards, billboards, brochures and store signs send a congruent message?

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