Adwords, as with many online advertisers, has a formula that calculates the cost of every ad, every time it's displayed. It takes dozens of factors into account to determine how much you will pay for the ad. The price you pay compared to another advertiser's ad right next to you, can vary by dollars. A couple of dollars many not sound like a bunch of money, but keep in mind that you pay that advertising rate every time someone clicks on your ad!
We've seen such extreme examples where one advertiser is paying around 50 cents per click, while another advertiser who is right next to the other is paying $5 or more per click! This example will drive home the point: Let's say you have a $1,000 a month for Internet advertising. If your Google Adwords campaign is poorly managed and you're paying around $5 per click, then you can only drive 200 people ($1,000 divided by $5) to your site. Now, if you have an efficient campaign you could drive 2,000 people ($1,000 divided by $0.50).
Advertising on the Internet is not as simple as buying radio spots or newspaper ads where you can do negotiations for placement and build relationships with your rep to get better deals. Internet advertising is all about the numbers and is impersonal. People who know their numbers, understand the rules and can put the time in, get results. Unless you have the time to log into your account daily and go through regular training courses to stay on top of the latest changes, you're better off hiring a professional. And don't go with some big company as a package deal (think phone books...) because they do a horrible management job. They know their clients know very little about Internet advertising and take advantage of them. Stick with a professional that can show your numbers on a regular basis and that you can talk to directly. You want a one-on-one relationship with ad manager!
Contact us at Viginti Media for further help.
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